
Dr. Pradeep P. Thevannoor Hackathon Awards 2023 aims to provide students with a platform to solve some of thepressing problem we face in our daily lives and build the culture of start-ups and innovation ecosystems.


  • Pre-screening will be organized through Online Mode.
  • The final round (24 hrs) will be held at SCMS School of Engineering and Technology campus, Karukutty, Ernakulam, Kerala during the third week of November 2023.


  • Open for school students studying in the 8th to 12th standard.
  • Team registration and idea submission is open in the website from 10/10/2023 to 30/10/2023.


  • A team can be formed of 1 student to 4 students (at max); 1 Mentor (optional)
  • The mentor has to be teachers from the school.
  • It is desirable to have at least one female member to be the part of the team
  • All students should be from the same school. Inter-school teams are not allowed.
  • An authorization letter from the school with the details of the mentor should be submitted during the idea submission.
  • A team can select one problem statement only and a maximum of five teams (per problem statement) will beshortlisted for the grand finale.